Where to Park on Sundays
Civic Center parking structure at Broadway at Cedar: Pull a paper voucher and obtain a validation sticker in the narthex during worship times. This validation covers the whole morning, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The structure holds more than 600 cars … you can definitely find a spot!
Chestnut parking lot on the northeast corner of Third and Chestnut: Free parking for church attendees. Please pick up a pass in the narthex and display it on your dashboard.
Street parking on Sundays is FREE. Parking meters on the street do not require payment on Sundays. Double-check spaces with painted curbs; some of these have various limitations even on Sundays. If you have a legal handicapped/blue placard, all spaces are free and unlimited, 24-7.
Mobility-limited parking: There are five spaces reserved on Sunday mornings in the Potholder lot (on Cedar Ave just south of the church) for those with or without blue placards who have mobility impairments. Please do not park here if you are able to walk unaided.
Where to Park on Weekdays
Chestnut Lot: All members and friends may request a parking pass from the church office and park at the Chestnut lot. Please be mindful of spots marked reserved on weekdays, 8 am – 6 pm.
Street Parking: Free after 6 p.m. Before 6, metered parking is for two hours.
Potholder Lot: You may park here after business hours in any spot (Monday-Friday after 1 pm, Saturday-Sunday after 2 pm). During business hours, the lot belongs to the Potholder.
Where to Park for Events
Parking location for Event Staff: Free parking for event staff is available upon request & availability for our Chestnut parking lot located on the northeast corner of Third and Chestnut (A). Please contact the church office for more information, 562-436-2256; office@firstchurchlb.org.
Parking locations for event attendees: The following are parking structures nearby Civic Center Parking Garage (C), Pine Square parking structure, and Broadway/Pacific parking structure.