
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here


Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here

A2A Resources

A2A Resources for Congregations

UCC Disabilities Ministry website.

The guide for the A2A process is “Any Body, Every Body, Christ’s Body” and can be found here.

The A2Atrifold Disability Etiquette flyer (.pdf) is a great one-page flyer that addresses many situations we can find ourselves in and not be knowledgeable about the appropriate way to handle them.

This is a video put together by our Conference Accessibility Team, a portion of which was shown at Synod 2020 (approximately 7 minutes long).

Help with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requirements are available through your local Building Department, Design Professional (architects) and the Conference Accessibility Team. California has its own requirements that can be different, so it is always best to consult someone who is well versed in what is required in California.

Top 10 Ways Churches Can Include People with Disabilities
1.  Provide rides for people who can’t get there on their own.
2.  Add a T-coil loop system for those who do not hear well.
3.  Provide 22-point font large print bulletins.
4.  Provide wheelchair cutouts with GOOD views of the chancel.
5.  Do not judge noisy or squirmy adults or children. Leave them be!
6.  Have accessible bathrooms people can get to without having to go outside to get there.
7.  Invite people with disabilities to sing in the choir, ring bells, and read scripture in worship.
8.  Invite people with disabilities to take leadership roles.
9.  Learn how to include people with intellectual disabilities.
10.  Be WISE. Welcoming. Inclusive. Supportive. Engaging.

At General Synod 30 in Cleveland, Ohio, June 26-30, 2015, United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries (UCCDM) participated in the Friday night worship service. Participants included our Chair Rev. Lynda Bigler and Vice Chair Rev. Jeanne Tyler presenting the Top 10 Ways Churches Can Include People with Disabilities. Received with overwhelming response by attendees, we republished them for wider circulation.

Sensitivity Videos for Accessibility and How to Interact with People with Disabilities

Disability Sensitivity Training Video (3:40)

Disability / How You See Me (3:00)

Things People With Disabilities Wish You Knew (4:57)