
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here


Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here

Annual Activities

Annual Activities

• Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade
• The F. Louis Valla Lecture Series on Progressive Religious Scholarship
• AIDS Walk/Long Beach
• Bread for the World Offering of Letters
• Souper Sunday Collection to combat hunger
• Neighbors in Need Offering to support issues of hunger, poverty and justice in the US
• Long Beach PRIDE Festival and Parade
• Alternative Christmas Market of fairly traded arts and crafts
• Undie Sunday, an underwear collection for homeless
• Outreach Volunteer Sunday
• CROP Walk to support Church World Service and local hunger agencies
• Gifts to the Manger for neighborhood families
• Summer Day Camp
• After School Tutoring Program
• One Great Hour of Sharing for Church World Service and global disaster relief
• Mardi Gras Party, celebrating all the people in God’s creation
• Marion Morgan Peace and Justice Award
• Ralph Pillsbury Award for Outstanding Service
• Dorothy Baker Award for Outstanding Contributions to Children and Youth