
Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here


Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here

Facility Use Inquiry Form

Thank you for choosing First Congregational Church of Long Beach for your event! Completing this Facility Use Inquiry Form does not constitute a guarantee or agreement. One-time use fees are per hour, with a three-hour minimum. Ongoing use is negotiable. Wifi is available throughout the premises. Availability is subject to review and scheduling by the FCCLB office. Please allow 2-3 buisness days for a response.

*Note: Proof submission of 501(c)3 status is required to rent our facilities and a refundable security deposit of $200 is required at the time of booking.

If not applicable, please enter N/A
Rental start time includes set-up; Please state AM or PM
Rental end time includes clean up; Please state AM or PM
Please state AM or PM
Please state AM or PM
If yes, an Alcohol Use Policy & Consent Form is required and approval must be obtain prior to event
Required for Sanctuary use, minimum four hours
Kitchen use is subject to an additional fee.
If yes, parking permits must be obtained from the church office. Please note 3rd & Chestnut Parking lot is subject to availibility. Available parking spaces are on a first come & first served basis.
Round (6-foot & 8-foot) and Rectangle (6-foot & 8-foot) table options are available